Sunday, October 11, 2009


When the bank bailout was passed our government stood before us and told us that there were nine banks they were going to loan millions of dollars to.  Nine banks they considered "healthy" enough businesses to be able to take the money loaned to them and increase lending, thus stimulating our economy and improving the banks earnings.  After all this time that still hasn't really happened.
First of all, if any of these institutions were "healthy" why would they need several million dollars in bailout money?  And why would only months later a couple of the banks be already asking for more millions of dollars?  And isn't it funny that when the public is watching, and seeing all these banking executives get their big bonuses and fly on their private jets, but lending isn't increasing and they still are needing more money, the government comes out and says "oh, its cause they weren't really as well off as we thought"  

1 comment:

  1. You know it's crazy.. when they were doing the bailouts.. for the first time i was scared. I have always been an optimist, and thought that there must be something I don't know.. but this really does bother me. For the people that can't get a loan with even good credit it is definitely an issue.
